Bearing witness. Connecting for good.

I am a climate communicator and artist; short documentaries, essays, contemplative videos and photography are my modes of expression. I am also a practitioner of socially engaged art. I celebrate inter-being and summon times and spaces to pause, listen, connect, imagine, and express. The community gatherings I host are invitations to explore what opens up when we pause and slow down, and what becomes possible when we experience the world beyond our habitual ways of being and relating.

My understanding of communication has deepened since I started my career as an environmentally focused journalist and documentary filmmaker in Finland in 1990s. Communication does not happen without connection. Communication is more about listening than talking.

I practice connecting with oneself, with the more-than-human world that we are a part of, and with fellow humans. I’ve been practicing compassion-based presence with Tara Rokpa Therapy for almost 20 years and am a certified Tara Rokpa Learning to Relax course leader. In 2016, I and my collaborators founded a Creatives for Climate collective in Pittsburgh with an intention to spark community dialogue about climate crisis. In 2018, I started experiencing and practicing with Work That Reconnects and Active Hope networks and am now a WTR facilitator. My practice is fueled by the idea of “inner composting”: All our experiences are resources to be transformed into compassion, clarity, and courage to care.

Deep gratitude to my family, friends, fellow practitioners, collaborators and teachers of all kinds and species. I’m grateful to be alive on our Earth together with you all. There is a new story that wants to be told, and it wants to be told by all of us. Imagine if we listened.