Bearing witness. Connecting for good.

Sustainability pioneers (2014 - 2018)

The short documentary series Sustainability Pioneers features people and communities taking bold steps to address climate crisis and lay a trail towards a more livable planet. The series is funded by The Heinz Endowments, The Fisher Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation and The Roy A. Hunt Foundation. It is produced in collaboration with Rachel Carson scholar and energy consultant Patricia DeMarco.


gas rush stories (2010-2014)

Gas Rush Stories, a series of short documentaries on shale gas drilling, document the impacts of shale gas extraction boom in South-West Pennsylvania -and Germany- “with a rare level of fairness”. The series is funded by The Heinz Endowments and individual supporters.

Gas Rush Stories Shorts contains shorter versions (5 - 8 minutes) of the original Gas Rush Stories episodes.


active hopers (2010 - CURRENT)

“Active Hope is a practice. Like tai chi or gardening, it is something we do rather than have. It is a process we can apply to any situation, and it involves three key steps. First, we take in a clear view of reality; second, we identify what we hope for in terms of the direction we’d like things to move in or the values we’d like to see expressed; and third, we take steps to move ourselves or our situation in that direction.

Since Active Hope doesn’t require our optimism, we can apply it even in areas where we feel hopeless. The guiding impetus is intention; we choose what we aim to bring about, act for, or express. Rather than weighing our chances and proceeding only when we feel hopeful, we focus on our intention and let it be our guide.
Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone, Active Hope

The following videos are short documentaries on inspiring people who are taking steps to heal ourselves, our communities, our Earth.

Our kids (2010)

Our Kids short documentary was produced as a part of Bill Gentile’s Backpack Journalism Workshop in the spring of 2010.


pausing, Sensing, connecting (2020 - CURRENT)

Tiny experiential and visual experiments on attention, awareness, healing, play, imagination.


PAUSING (2020)

I’m delighted and honored by PennFuture’s "Woman of Environmental Media, Marketing, and Communications” award and wanted to share my gratitude with you all. I turned to our allies when I was trying to figure out what to say in my acceptance speech. This little video came out of my listening sessions. With it, I invite you to slow down, pause, connect.